A Little About This Blog

I decided to start this site with just pictures of various things in nature such as plants, animals, insects and no travel or family photos.

Monday, 23 July 2018

Young Lion, Tiger

 Young Lion

  Picture taken March 12, 2014 at Wizard World in Toronto.  We were sitting just a few feet from the cage with this young Lion and a Tiger while watching a the animal show. The Lion still had some of it's young spots on the legs.  I took the pictures with as much zoom as I could to allow the wires on the cage to vanish.
Picture take with a Canon EOS Rebel T3i.  Focal length: 123mm f/5 1/60 sec.


  Picture take March 12, 2014 at Wizard World, Toronto with a Canon EOS Rebel T3i.  Focal length: 131mm f/5 1.60 sec.  He kept watching us as we sat so close as to almost touch the cage he was in. A truly beautiful creature. 


  Picture taken March 14, 2014 with a Canon EOS Rebel T3i.  Focal length: 250mm f5.6 1.50 sec. He was intent on watching the grandchildren as we watched the show.  Loved the eyes.  


  He was so calm waiting for his turn in the show and would get quite excited when a trainer came buy to take them out for their performance.  Picture taken March 14, 2014 with a Canon EOS Rebel T3i. Focal length: 171mm f/5.6 1/60 sec.


  That tongue could give you a good face wipe.  I did not have enough zoom to remove the cage wires completely as some is still visible in this picture.  Taken March 12, 2014 with a Canon EOS Rebel T3i.  Focal length: 116mm f/5 1/60 sec.


  Picture taken March 12, 2014 with a Canon EOS Rebel T3i. Focal length: 250mm f/5.6 1/50 sec.  Hard to believe with a face like that it's a wild animal.  

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